Robust meeting between Shamima Ali & COMPOL Tudravu
5 Mar, 2025

A meeting between Fiji Police Commissioner Rusiate Tudravu and Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre Coordinator Shamima Ali today has reaffirmed the need to enhance collaboration through training and the sharing of information to standardise responses to cases of violence against women.
Commissioner Tudravu acknowledged the long standing working relationship between the two organisations adding he valued the contribution of the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre as an external auditor into the handling of cases of violence against women and girls.
Commissioner Tudravu welcomed the opportunity to further training opportunities for frontline officers as the two organisations shared a common interest in ensuring police adopt best practices in responding to violence against women and girls.
FWCC Coordinator Ms Ali thanked the Commissioner of Police for the visit, opening doors to more training opportunities to ensure the work of responding to violence against women is standardised across the Fiji Police Force.
Ms Ali said the FWCC stands ready to continue the delivery of its specialized training packages at all levels at the Recruitment to senior level management.