FWCC wins humanitarian award

23 Feb, 2018


THE Fiji Women’s Crisis centre received the 2018 Mitchell Humanitarian Award at the Australian National University last week.

The annual award recognises those supported by Australian Aid and is given to individuals who have made significant contributions to the cause of international development.

FWCC’s co-ordinator Shamima Ali said the award reflected how the funding being provided to them by Australian Aid enabled them to challenge a patriarchal society.

“This reward is a reflection of how ongoing multiyear funding over nearly three decades has enabled the FWCC to consistently challenge a society where patriarchal norms, attitudes and behaviour continue to violate women’s human rights in every sphere of society,” Ms Ali said.

“We have been able to build best practice and roll it out throughout the Pacific and support members of the Pacific Women’s Network against Violence against Women.”

ANU’s development policy centre Professor Stephen Howes said FWCC’s success showed what a dedicated group would achieve from the support given by the aid program.

“FWCC’s success is an outstanding example of what can be achieved by a dedicated group able to access long-term support from the Australian Aid program,” Prof Howes said.

FWCC has received support from the Australian program from 1990 so far and has provided legal and medical support, crisis counselling along with other practical support services to women and children who were survivors of violence.

BY Vilimaina Naqelevuki
Friday, February 23, 2018

Source: http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=435579

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