Our Supporters

Major Funding Bodies:

Funding for NGOs is always a problem and for the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre (FWCC) things were no different. When the FWCC was first established, violence against women did not fit into women and/in development programs and no funder wanted to fund administrative costs. However, FWCC persevered and in 1990 came the breakthrough when we were granted a four-year grant by AusAID, the Australian Government Development funding agency (then known as AIDAB). This funding came through our Australian NGO partner Freedom from Hunger/ Community Aid Abroad. In 1995, we negotiated another 4 year grant from AusAID and received AUD $1.4 million from the Australian Regional Funding Desk to do work in Fiji and the Pacific region. In 1999, AusAID accepted our Project Design and agreed to fund us for a further 5 years with $2.2 million to allow for the consolidation of the work of FWCC on violence against women and children in Fiji and the Pacific region.

The work of FWCC has progressed and developed over the years largely because of the relationship shared with AusAID. While FWCC has been accountable in terms of reporting to AusAID and delivery of services, AusAID has been a supportive and understanding donor.

FWCC has also been privileged to have the financial support from various other donors. FWCC’s national research project on domestic violence in Fiji was funded by UNIFEM New York, Asia Foundation and the Fiji Government’s Department for Women and Culture.

Local business houses, individuals as well as charitable organisations have often contributed financially to the work of FWCC.

The Nadi, Ba and Labasa Branches of the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre are funded by NZAID.

Copyright © 2025. Fiji Women's Crisis Centre.