Media Release
47% of Homicide Victims Worldwide Are Women!
November 24, 2017
20 Executive Pacific Police Officers from around the region were given the hard-hitting facts of homicide statistics on a global scale. While 6% of homicide victims are male, a staggering 47% are female. Australian Federal Police (AFP) Trainers Vanessa Stone and Stuart Campbell emphasized how much of an epidemic violence
Understanding Why Women Withdraw Complaints Against Violent Partners
November 23, 2017
NADI (22 Nov 2017) Executive level Police Officers from around the Pacific spent their third day of training examining some of the reasons why many women withdraw complaints made to the police or decide not to leave violent relationships. Police officers shared that one of the biggest problems they experience
NEWS RELEASE: Third Pacific Executive Police Training on Gender Based Violence and Human Rights
November 20, 2017
NADI, Fiji (20 November 2017) – Twenty Senior Police Officers from seven Pacific countries are attending a 5-day workshop on gender, violence against women and human rights in Nadi this week. This is the third workshop for regional executive-level police officers facilitated by the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre (FWCC) in
MEDIA RELEASE: Regional Authorities Responding to Violence Against Women in Emergencies
October 23, 2017
Key representatives from government ministries and civil society organizations (CSO’s) across Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Samoa are gathering in Suva from 23-27 October to share knowledge and identify solutions to preventing and responding to gender-based violence in emergencies (GBViE).
PRESS RELEASE: WCCC – Male Advocacy Stage 2 on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls
August 23, 2017
Being a Male Advocate on Ending All Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls, Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights is not an easy role in fact you have to be prepared to feel uncomfortable because we will be taking a deep look at our male privileges, our power and
MEDIA RELEASE: Executive Level Police Take On Challenge
July 31, 2017
Executive Level Police Take On Challenge to Ensure Access to Justice for Women For a region that has some of the highest rates of violence against women (VAW) in the world, police play a critical role in ensuring that survivors have access to justice. 22 executive level police personnel from